Hi Peter,
stripaccents is already in utilties. That is why it is getting installed in the Debian packaging.
It'd confusing because it is in examples as well.
`tar tfz ../sword_1.8.1.orig.tar.gz|grep stripacc
Troy - source is how packages are made! If the utility is only for local use building from source and not to be installed on the system then it can go in noinst_PROGRAMS in the utilties/Makefile.am. Some are already in there.
currently the installed utilities are:
bin_PROGRAMS = mod2imp mod2osis osis2mod tei2mod vs2osisref vs2osisreftxt \
mod2vpl mkfastmod vpl2mod imp2vs installmgr xml2gbs imp2gbs imp2ld \
stripaccents emptyvss
and for some reason someone added addld to the Debian package, possibly because it used to be installed
Which of those should be installed in the package, and which are to be ignored? We can make that change in the packaging.
Hmmm. I would guess after stripaccents, they will probably complain about all the other utils not having man pages (unless someone actually wrote man pages for the others and I am unaware!) I doubt all the utils in sword/utils/ are useful to be installed globally at /usr/bin. installmgr, diatheke, osis2mod, ld2mod, vs2mod and few others for module makers are likely the only ones we probably want to install. I just assumed people who needed the utils would install from source. I guess that's not a good assumption. Specifically on this ticket, I doubt stripaccents is useful for anyone. Thoughts?